The animated characters known as the Baby Peas were created by to immortalize the real Black Eyed Peas so they could live and entertain fans on multiple screens. The Baby Peasare a fusion of the “Little Rascals” mixed with the “Peanuts Gang”, with the edge of “Family Guy” and “The Simpsons.” Then add some Black Eyed Peas music vibe with the classical approach of the W.B’s Looney Toons and that’s The Baby Peas! Animated but also grown up, the Baby Peas are modeled to convey some of the real life traits and adventures of, Fergie,Taboo, and Apl.De.Ap.
The Baby Peas are on a roll, so be on the lookout for these wacky animated adventurers in new and interesting places. The First Commercial of "The Baby Peas" was released yesterday at SuperBowl.
If you want to watch again the commercial and the mega halftime Peas Performance, we bring you the download link:
[News] Black Eyed Peas Halftime Performance SuperBowl
adriph on 07-02-2011, 05:41 (UTC)
FEB 6TH: The Black Eyed Peas had a spectacular visual show this Sunday Night. They peformed a Medley that includes "I Gotta Feeling","Pump It", "Where Is The Love", "Lets Get Started","The Time"; also Slash joined Fergie on stage to perform "Sweet Child OŽMine" and Usher sang OMG Feat.
-We bring you more than 30 Pictures of this amazing performance! Follow the links:
FEB 4TH: Apldeap,Taboo,Fergie, and David Guetta attend The Black Eyed Peas Super Bowl Party presented by Sports Illustrated and Bacardi at Music Hall At Fair Park in Dallas, Texas.
On February 6th, we had a couverage of the SuperBowl on Twitter, Thanks for all your messages and support. Apldeap shared this pictures before the BIG Performance:
[Pictures] Super Bowl XLV Halftime Show - Press Conference
adriph on 04-02-2011, 06:06 (UTC)
FEB 3rd: Black Eyed Peas attend to a press conference at the Super Bowl XLV media center on in Dallas, Texas. The Peas will perform during the Bridgestone Super Bowl XLV halftime show at Cowboys Stadium in Arlington, Texas.
-See Pictures:
[Scanns] Apldeap Article on People Magazine.
adriph on 03-02-2011, 03:20 (UTC)
At the last issue of People Magazine, you can find an article about Apldeap, where he explains his sight disease, its a very interesting story; it shows why this Filipino is an inspiration for many of us.
You asked for the scanns, so here there are:
[News] New ‘BEP360’ App for iPad, iPhone and iPod with 360-Degree Motion Control and Augmented Reality
adriph on 24-01-2011, 23:33 (UTC)
LOS ANGELES January 24, 2010 - Music industry pioneer and front man of The Black Eyed Peas,, today announced the iTunes App Store launch of BEP360, an iPad, iPhone and iPod touch app that immerses fans in a 360 degree universe of the legendary music group. Featuring the world’s first 360-degree view music video (“The Time 360”), BEP360 features the song “The Time (Dirty Bit),” the first single from new CD, “The Beginning”, now available on Interscope Records.
BEP360 is the first release from will.i.apps,’s new digital media production entity dedicated to pioneering and producing application-based entertainment experiences. BEP360 is the first in a line of upcoming applications that will converge the worlds of creativity, music and advanced digital technologies.
The BEP360 app is available for $2.99 from the App Store on iPhone, iPod touch and iPad, or at
Thirty years after the first music video aired on MTV, the will.i.apps team has reinvented how fans can be further immersed in the world of their favorite artists by pointing and swinging an iPhone, iPod touch or iPad around a 360-degree axis that then changes the point of view. An entirely new form of music video, BEP360 uses digital teleportation to take fans deeper inside the world of The Black Eyed Peas.
--Key Features of BEP360:
*Point iPad, iPhone and iPod touch device at the cover artwork of the band’s latest album, The Beginning (Interscope Records) and watch augmented reality take form with BEP avatars dancing to the beat
*Direct a virtual photo session with Fergie,, & Taboo allowing users to capture their own shots and share them.
*Stay up to date on everything about the Peas via an aggregated Twitter feed
*Play an addictive Peas-inspired puzzle game
*View pictures and comments posted by other BEP360 app users on a virtual earth